Affinity Magazine

“Affinity Magazine started from the idea of a sixteen-year-old girl. She noticed that there was a complete lack of journalistic publications written exclusively for teens by teens. She felt that adult writers writing for teenage magazines were inauthentic, so she began developing Affinity Magazine in 2013. Affinity Magazine serves a purpose of showcasing the voices of aspiring teen journalists. Mixing pop culture with social justice and politics, Affinity amplifies the voices of teens — regardless of age, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Affinity is the first social justice platform that directly caters to teens while also addressing many significant issues that are often overlooked. Affinity Magazine is read in over 178 countries and in all 50 states. Affinity Magazine is the new way for teens to not only read about important news but also have their own thoughts heard loud and clear.”

Affinity Magazine’s tagline is “Always Controversial”, and that should tell you something about the type of work included in the publication. Apply for an editorial or writer’s position at this international online magazine featuring journalism written by teens. Affinity is a journalistic magazine featuring exclusively work by teenage authors. It characterizes itself as the first ever social justice platform aimed at teens.

How do I get started? Go to their website and follow their submission instructions.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Affinity is one of a number of journalistic publications written “by teens for teens”. Check out one of the others, and expand the numbers of people that read your work!

HOT TIP: This is an amazing potential resume booster for a teen interested in journalism. There is significant potential to move into an editor role and to take a leadership position with this publication. Affinity also encourages writers and editors to recruit from their own schools.