Plastic Film Recycling


Most communities do not currently allow residents to recycle plastic film. This type of plastic makes up an enormous amount of the plastic waste generated in our country. It also represents a large portion of the plastic waste that ends up in our oceans, polluting our water, our marine life and even our food chain. There is a growing movement to increase public formal collection of these ubiquitous substances. Bring this important change to your community!

How do I get started? Download our Standout from the Pack - Campaign PDF. Learn more about this Issue in your community and region, and speak to community leaders and sanitation workers. Do your research! Your campaign will be far more compelling if you’ve really thought through the issue.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are so many great projects that are feasible for a motivated teen. Building on the success of your plastic film recycling campaign you should consider one or more of the many other climate-related urban interventions. For example:

HOT TIP: This is a hot topic these days, and you don’t want to look like a copy-cat. Spend some time thinking about your brand, and the best way to educate and motivate people. There’s a lot of noise out there, and room for some effective communication. Don’t be afraid to deviate from the catchy messaging that prior anti-plastics campaigns have used!