Solar Car Challenge

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Are you a serious science student interested in exploring the exciting world of solar car racing? Check out this amazing competition, which culminates in a solar car race at the world-famous Texas Motor Speedway!

“The Solar Car Challenge was established in 1993 to help motivate students in science and engineering, and to increase alternative energy awareness. The Challenge teaches high school students around the world how to build roadworthy solar cars.

The Solar Education Program provides a safe environment for teams to display their solar cars. On alternating years, we share the fun of the world-famous Texas Motor Speedway or drive cross-country to share their projects with millions of people.

The 2021 Solar Car Challenge hosted by Texas Instruments is a closed-track event at the world-famous Texas Motor Speedway. Come share the fun.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Explore other applications of engineering + sustainability in one of the following:

  • Join a global collaborative learning adventure to create a vessel that creates zero emissions and zero waste with Project Z-Nev

  • Build green technology at one of the intensive and highly rewarding summer programs at Cooper Union

  • Design a nature-inspired solution to a climate change problem in the Biomimicry Institute’s Design Challenge

  • Try to win big at Toshiba Exploravision

  • Check out the MIT BeaverWorks Summer Institute, where you’ll learn about engineering and designing autonomous systems in a variety of applications including cybersecurity, hacking, race car design, autonomous air vehicle racing, game design with AI and more!!

HOT TIP: Engineering and environmentalism are hot these days. If you are a strong STEM student this is the perfect time to be exploring and expanding your exposure to these areas. It’s a great way to launch yourself into college, and could even be the first step in a very rewarding and important career.