Wistar Institute Fellowship

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Wistar’s High School Fellowship in Biomedical Research provides an opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of current biological/biomedical theory and research tools and techniques at a nationally recognized nonprofit research institution.  Wistar scientists and their laboratory teams serve as program mentors guiding students through the planning and practice of daily research experiments and activities.  Students learn research skills together, taught by a team of mentors, and individually as each student trains in a principal investigator’s laboratory for the duration of the program; under the direction of the laboratory head, the student is assigned a unique research project related to the research goals of that particular laboratory.  Students are integrated into the daily work of the laboratory, participating in laboratory meetings and gaining exposure to different facets of the laboratory's research.  Mentors help students apply their current knowledge and skills and assist them in making the connection between laboratory experience and their academic studies.  The program includes a weekly lunchtime seminar series presented by Institute scientists and an introduction to research library skills development.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are an incredible number of prestigious, often paid (or stipended) summer internships and fellowships at cutting edge research labs across the country. The great ones are very difficult to secure, but if you are selected you will have access to cutting-edge research and world-class scientists. If you like the looks of the Wistar Internship, check out these other options too:

HOT TIP: This program has a high admissions standard, and it will be intense. The rewards of participating are huge IF this is truly connected to your academic and extracurricular arc. Keep in mind that you only have a few high school summers, so be sure that you are maximizing their value!