Crowd the Tap


Crowd the Tap is an Environmental Protection Agency funded initiative that uses the power of crowd-sourcing to create a national inventory of the materials used in pipes that bring water to houses, apartment buildings and other dwellings. Do some research and add your home and community to the registry. Even better, reach out to neighboring communities and try to get them to participate too!

How do I get started? Click here.

Want to expand this narrative arc?

  • Start a local outpost of Surfrider’s Smartfin campaign, in which surfer attach special fins to their boards to track various metrics of ocean health.

  • Think about hosting a Trash Splash in your community in which you fill a local pool with plastic waste and then encourage people to swim in it to spread awareness of the effects of plastic trash on marine life.

  • You could also pivot to a community beach clean and organize a clean up of an area of beach near you.

HOT TIP: Crowd the Tap is a great way to get involved with (and link your community into) an important environmental issue. Make the most of it by linking it into a larger awareness campaign in your community. Want some help? Download Stand Out From The Pack - Campaign.