Splash with Trash


Fill a local pool with plastic garbage and then encourage community members to take a dip. This experience does an incredible job of raising awareness about the effects of plastic garbage on marine plants and animals.

If you follow the news you probably know that plastic garbage has created an environmental catastrophe in our oceans and other bodies of water. Plastic garbage in whole forms has a large impact on marine habitats, and often ends up in the stomachs of small and large marine animals. Plastic also breaks down into microscopic particles that are ingested or absorbed by fish. This “micro-plastic” further damages the marine environment and also potentially poses risks to humans and other creatures that eat fish (including people!).

How do I get started?

  • Start by downloading our PDF for some tips on how to launch your project

  • Do some research about the prevalence and impact of plastic trash on oceans and other water bodies

  • Figure out if there’s an organization in your area (or nationally) that is working to raise awareness of this issue. Also, figure out if other communities across the world have done similar events. See, for example:

  • Find a local pool that is willing to help with your project. Note that you’re probably more likely to get approval at the end of the season when fewer people are using the pool and there’s less concern about contamination. Think: last day of the season plastic pool party!

  • Create materials and an online media campaign to raise awareness of the issue

  • Advertise your event in your school and community (think: swim teams, environmental groups, health and wellness organizations)

  • Follow up with specific recommendations about what your community can do to help reverse the trend

How much time will this take? If done properly we estimate that this project will take between 20-25 hours to plan and execute. It’s possible to do it in less, but you’re going to make a greater impact (and get more out of the experience) if you supplement the actual Trash Splash with an advocacy and media campaign. And don’t forget follow through - this is not a one-off, it’s about change-making.

How do I expand this Narrative Arc?

  • Think about launching a micro-plastic survey to measure the incidence and extent of microplastics in the water bodies near you.

  • You could also pivot to a community beach clean and organize a clean up of an area of beach near you.

HOT TIP: This is a great example of an impact project that fits in well with a swimmer’s or surfer’s narrative arc. Are you a swimmer who’s wondering how to connect your interest in science with your sport? Here’s the answer! This has the potential to be a real showstopper. You can even promote your event in local media!