Finance Camp

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Do you want to spend your summer learning more about careers in business and finance? Consider this three- week program through the Boston Leadership Institute. Here’s an overview from their website:

Jump into the world of finance and get a sneak peak into what financial analysts do on a day-to-day basis with the Boston Leadership Institute’s new three-week program for summer 2019. Students will be exposed to the mathematical concepts and techniques used in finance and how to apply them to financial markets such as the stock market. This course may cover bond valuation, stock valuation, dividends, developing forecasts, spotting trends, options/pricing, cash flow, seasonality and trend. Boston is one of the top financial hubs and is home to major money managers such as Fidelity Investments and Putnam Investments. Quantitative skills are in such a high demand in the financial field and lead to a variety of high paying career paths.

How do I get started? Go to the website for the Boston Leadership Institute.

How do I expand this narrative arc?  Check out some of the other entrepreneurship ideas we have found for you by searching our database under “Business and Entrepreneurship”. You should think about how you can broaden or deepen your narrative arc, including with one of the following:

  • Spend your next summer in a pure entrepreneurship program like LaunchX or Quarter Zero

  • Have a look at Wharton’s Management and Technology summer program.

  • If you are interested in the intersection between sustainability and entrepreneurship, consider Sustainable Summer, which includes a program at Dartmouth at which students develop commercial solutions to climate change problems.

  • Put your ideas into action when you launch a business in your own community.

  • The Knowledge Society runs year round programs in an number of cities across the country. Find out if there’s a cohort near you.

  • Want to do something similar through a different organization to expand your network and try your ideas in a different setting? Check out Leangap Entrepreneur.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SUMMER PROGRAMS: College admissions officers are very adept at identifying “resume padders”: expensive, one-off programs paid for by your parents which do not mesh with your narrative arc. Therefore, make sure any summer program or course you consider falls into one (or more) of these four buckets: 

  • Highly selective/competitive

  • Totally unique + linked to your narrative arc

  • Evidence of adulthood (long hours, multi-year commitment or simply hard work)

  • A jumping off point or expansion for an authentic narrative arc. 

If none of the above apply, a program could still have value to you if it allows you to test a potential interest. However, if it does not end up being a jumping off point for further interests, then you may not want to mention it in your high school resume