We the People Competitions

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The Center for Civic Education partners with a network of 50 state civics, government, and law programs sponsored by state bar associations and foundations, colleges and universities, and other civic and law non-profit organizations to promote teaching and learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These state programs conduct local teacher professional development, hold conferences and organize local and state simulated congressional hearings for elementary and secondary students. Each year these state programs impact thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of students. If you would like to know more about your state program click on the map.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you interested in politics, policy and debate and keen to expand and diversify your narrative arc? Check out these opportunities:

HOT TIP: School programs are a great place to get started, but make sure that your involvement expands beyond the classroom in extracurriculars that relate to your narrative arc.