Poetry Out Loud

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Do you love English or poetry and are you great at memorizing lines? Enter Poetry Out Loud, a national competition that encourages the study of poetry through dramatic recitation competitions.

“A partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, and the state arts agencies, Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry by offering free educational materials and a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country. This program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life. Since the program began in 2005, more than 4 million students and 65,000 teachers from 16,000 schools across the country have participated in Poetry Out Loud. Visit poetryoutloud.org for more information. If you are interested in participating in the official program, please contact your state arts agency.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

HOT TIP: National competitions are an incredible way to have fun AND elevate your profile and your applications.