There’s a secret that pricey college admissions consultants tell their clients: these days, it’s not enough to be excellent. Your profile also needs to stand out and be different from everyone else’s.
Read MoreTeens today are under a lot of pressure, especially once they get to 11th grade. Is there anything that motivated 9th graders can do that will simultaneously enrich their lives AND set them up for success in the ultra-competitive college admissions process?
Read MoreThese days it’s hard not to get discouraged when reading about the ultra-competitive college admissions process. Moreover, college admissions officers are extremely reluctant to opine on the characteristics that make up a great applicant.
Read MoreToday’s students may not prepared for life in the 21st century. In a recent study nearly half of employers polled indicated that college graduates lack the basic skills required to be successful in the workplace.
Read MoreSTEM has become the gold standard from elementary through high school and beyond. However, like many buzzwords, it’s ubiquity has a highly dilutive effect on its intrinsic value as a signaler. Just labeling something STEM doesn’t mean it’s useful, or even very good.
Read MoreWhen I was growing up we had a book called Leo the Late Bloomer. Leo was a young tiger who wasn’t talking or reading or writing as early as the other tiger cubs. His dad was worried but his mom trusted that ultimately he’d catch up and shine. And guess what: he did!
Read MoreSTEM is one of the buzzwords of the decade in schools today. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that unless you’ve caught the STEM craze your child will be left behind.
Read MoreSummer camp is very popular in Canada. The country’s voyageur founders still loom…
Read MoreKids retain 5 percent of what they hear, 10 percent of what they read, 80 percent of what they do and 90 percent of what they teach……
Read MoreThere’s growing awareness of the benefits of a gap year for those that can afford it….
Read MoreWe live in college-crazy times. To many, high school feels like one long series of credentialing….
Read MoreLeadership is one of the buzzwords of the decade - if not the millenium - in schools and in business….
Read MoreCommunity service has become the fourth pillar of a strong college application: grades,…
Read MoreAmericans have gone college crazy. What was once the brass ring is now the bare minimum,….
Read MoreIt’s sometimes said that college admissions officers prefer pointy students to round students,….
Read MoreThe next generation will face global, economic, and social challenges that we cannot even imagine. What are the skills our children will….
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