Courses and resources



online courses AND TOOLKITS


High School Extracurricular Bootcamp - $259

This flagship course will transform your college admissions prospects in less than 2 hours!

Choose mind-blowing extracurricular activities, plan your next summer, submit to competitions and publications, and more…


Mini-Course: High School Summer Planning - $99

Plan your entire summer in less than 30 minutes! INCLUDES access to the Extracurricular Database!

LEARN what looks great and what to avoid.
SELECT amazing activities using the Extracurricular Database.
CREATE a stellar resume to apply for competitive summer programs.


Summer Toolkit: Downloadable Tools and Templates - $49

Downloadable tools to help your teen plan summer and get accepted to top programs and internships. Includes:

Sample resumes and cover letter templates
Curated lists of prestigious summer programs
E-books, downloadable worksheets and more…


Mini-Course: Help Your Teen Stand Out! - FREE FOR LIMITED TIME

In less than 30 minutes, learn how teens can quickly take their admissions profiles from good to GREAT! Learn:

What college admissions officers REALLY want in a candidate.
The 3 MISTAKES many high schoolers make.
Which small tweaks can give an admissions profile a real WOW factor.


Other products and services


Get Access to the Extracurricular Database - $199

Blue Blaze is the ONLY high school advisory service that gives its clients DIRECT ACCESS to a highly curated EXTRACURRICULAR DATABASE.

Discover thousands of unique and memorable extracurriculars that will WOW even the most jaded admissions officer.


Private Advisory Services - Packages starting at $549

We provide one-on-one consulting services that help you build a highly individualized, curated extracurricular strategy, tailored to YOUR interests and strengths.

Many of our packages include scheduled check-ins, summer strategy reports, independent study recommendations and more!


Free resources



In this FREE webinar you will learn:

  • Which extracurriculars highly selective colleges want to see

  • How to use school work to enter prestigious competitions

  • Which activities will add WOW to your admissions profile


E-Book: “What Summer Activities Do College Admissions Officers Want To See?”

Do you know that there are certain summer activities that admissions love (and others that make them roll their eyes)?

Learn which activities to choose and which to avoid. This FREE E-Book is the ultimate guide to planning your high school summer!


E-Book: “Why Colleges Want Pointy (Not Well-Rounded Students)”

Do you know what selective colleges look for in applicants?

The answer will surprise you. This comprehensive, FREE e-book is the ultimate guide to standing out from the pack and getting into your dream school!


BLOG/VLOG: Our FREE Blog and Short Vlog Series

Read our short, helpful blog entries or watch 2 minute episodes from our popular VLOG series for teens: “2 Amazing Activities.”

This video series showcases just a few of the mind-blowing activities in the highly curated Extracurricular Database. Discover unique and original extracurriculars. Chances are good that you won’t find these anywhere else!

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