Media Specialist


Help a local charity or other organization get newspaper, social media and other coverage in your community and beyond. Are you a great writer and reasonably adept with computers and or web design? Wherever you live, it’s likely that there’s a nearby non-profit (think: charity) that can use the help of a tech and media savvy teenager to help promote their work.

Do you live in or near a low income community? Ask around and find out whether there are any charities nearby. There are infinite options, ranging from churches to after school programs to youth sports leagues. Make a list and then approach the ones that seem most interesting and promising. Find out what they need - whether writing articles promoting their events and program (and distribution to local papers), website redesign or help with member communications. If there’s a lot of work you can start a club in your school and then help others link up with similar organizations. It’s a great way to give back to your community, and to hone your writing, tech and communications skills!

How much time will this take? This project is likely to take up a medium amount of time (15-20 hours), but it really depends on your level of engagement. Keep in mind that the more you put in, the more you’ll get out of the experience.

How do I get started? Download our PDF for helpful tips and milestones.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If you’re lucky, you’re in a community surrounded by lots of great non-profits. Are there other teens at your school who would love to follow in your footsteps? If so, create a roster of non-profits that are looking for help from tech and media savvy teens. Then create a media package that walks your peers through the process step by step.

HOT TIP: This is a great way to help a non-profit in your community. Remember that solo volunteer project really fit more into the Community Service category. Expanding the project to include peers and other organizations will elevate your impact from narrow to broad.