Service Now Carbon Killer Challenge

Teens today didn’t create the climate crisis, but they can and must be a part of the solution. Service Now runs an innovation challenge in which students are tasked with coming up with creative solutions to prompt their communities to reduce carbon emissions. The challenge is to consider innovative, yet affordable ways that individuals, businesses, or governments can reduce the level of carbon emissions to meet the goal to a low-emission and climate-resilient future.

“Consider where are you emitting the most carbon? Where do you use the most energy? What steps can you, your school, or your community take to reduce emissions?

To get a rough estimate, calculate your carbon footprint here.

Whether you're in middle school, high school or college, there are likely many ways that your school community could be part of the clean energy solution. How can you identify those opportunities? You might start by thinking about your own school day and how you yourself consume energy. Or you might consider the activities that are going on around you and the ways you see energy being consumed by others.

And, if you need more motivation, consider this: investment in clean energy could play a huge role in economic recovery. If you're in a neighborhood that's been hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic-related recession, your solution could be just the thing to put us on track to reach net-zero by 2050.”

How do I get started? Click here.