Citi Foundation Future of Work Challenge

The world is changing fast, and so are the jobs that will be available to young people when they leave school. One of society’s great challenges will be to anticipate those changes and train a workforce in the skills that they will need to succeed in the next decade and beyond. The Citi Foundation Future of Work Challenge prompts teens to consider these issues, and come up with solutions.

“SDG 8 focuses on promoting sustainable economic growth by ensuring productive employment and decent work for all. A key component of this challenge is thinking about how young people, like you, are preparing for a future job market that will look very different. Around the globe, the World Bank estimates that close to 18%of the world's youth in the labor force are unemployed. To make meaningful progress on SDG 8, solutions from young people, like you, are necessary to empower young people to adapt to changing job market conditions.

What does the future of work look like?

Simply stated, the future of work is a projection of how jobs, workers, and the modern workplace will grow and evolve in the years to come. Will work-from-home replace the traditional office? How will emerging virtual reality technologies transform the workplace? What skills are necessary to prepare for this transition? How has the Covid-19 pandemic changed how young people can work?

Consider what the world will look like in 5, 10, or even 20 years from now.

Finally, think about what current problems exist in the labor market for youth, that you can develop solutions for.

The challenge is to consider an innovative solution that empowers young people, like you, to adapt and be well-equipped to succeed in the future workplace.

Design a solution that empowers or prepares young people with the tools for the future of work.”

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