Maxar Climate Mapping Challenge

Are you interested in learning more about the ways that technology can help communities anticipate, adapt to and fight climate change? Consider the Maxar Climate Mapping Challenge, in which you will use maps and satellite data to help communities.

Design a solution using maps and satellite imagery that helps communities understand and adapt to the impact of climate change.

“All of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address serious challenges facing humanity today, but none is more urgent than SDG 13. Climate change is an existential threat to everyone on the planet and taking action to slow global warming is critical to our survival.

Satellite imagery and various types of remote sensing gives us the ability to monitor changing conditions on earth so we can detect threats, predict risks, mitigate impacts, and track our progress making improvements in the built environment and implementing protections for the natural world. Analyzing patterns of human activity, land use, and natural phenomena that can be observed or sensed from satellites in space orbit may be the key to achieving many of the SDG targets.

Your challenge is to think of a way that images and maps from satellite data can be leveraged to help communities understand and adapt to the impact of climate change.”

How do I get started? Click here.