Food Waste To Feed


Food waste is a huge problem. It’s a waste of the resources that were used to create the food, and when it goes to landfill it generates methane, which is an environmentally destructive gas. But there are lots of ways that you, your school and your community can intervene to reduce the amount and impact of organic matter that gets put in your trash.

How do I get started? Find out if there’s a composting non-profit near you that can help with some of the brainstorming and execution. Talk to local waste management and cafeteria workers. And download our PDF for tips on other issues that you’ll need to consider in launching a campaign.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Vermicompost! That means ‘use worms to create compost’. Create a low-cost worm bin at your school. Add small amounts of fruit and vegetable waste and watch the worms turn the material into vermicompost, which is the best type there is.

  • Start an on-site composting program at your school. Finished compost can be used in school gardens or for school and community landscaping.

  • Have your school contract with a commercial composter who will pick up organic food waste and then divert it to larger composting operations.

HOT TIP: This is potentially a great project for a teen that is interested in science and sustainability. It’s a big project, and you’ll have to follow through to make sure it’s done properly.