FreshFilms Video Challenge

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FreshFilms runs a video challenge for grades 9-12 and 5-8 in which kids - with or without filmmaking experience - submit videos on a stated theme. Have a look at their website. Some of the entries are really amazing!!

In this challenging time, it’s more important than ever to express, create, and connect with others. The Fresh Films Video Challenges allow you to do just that! And along the way, you’ll learn some pretty awesome documentary film and storytelling skills that you can use in other classes, for college applications and beyond. So grab a phone or tablet and follow our guides & tutorials to create your video!

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If you’re interested in art and photography and want to expand your summer experiences into the school year, consider adding on of the following:

HOT TIP: This is a great choice for a teen who is very interested in the arts and filmmaking. It’s also a great opportunity to explore this area if you’re early in your high school years or you think you might want to try filmmaking but don’t intend to include the program on your college application. Keep in mind that you’ll get more bang for your buck if the programs you choose fit into a larger narrative arc.