E-Vehicle Charging Campaign


Start a campaign in your community to install chargers for electric cars. Scope out location (think: prime parking spots), approach community leaders and launch your campaign.

Each year we become more aware of the environmental costs of modern life. There are many ways to reduce your individual environmental footprint, and one of the easiest is to switch to a more fuel efficient, or even electric, vehicle. These cars are become more common, affordable and attractive each years. But many communities haven’t yet caught up, so electric car owns are left to install expensive charging stations in their own garages or driveways. Set up charging stalls in your community, and make it easier for your neighbors to make the GREEN choice.

How do I get started?

  • Do some research on electric vehicles and charging stations, including energy needs, cost and feasibility

  • Figure out how and where your community’s electricity is generated, and confirm that it is from a relatively “clean” source

  • Find out where other communities have installed chargers

  • Check out locations in your community that meet the parameters

  • Approach community leaders with your proposal

  • Launch a public awareness campaign to promote your effort

  • Read our PDF for more helpful tips

How long will this take? The project is estimated to take approximately 15-20 hours.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Carry out a science project that explores alternative fuels, including solar, electric and biodiesel (like Fryer Flyer). Launch an energy consumption awareness campaign in your community. Create an app that helps people make small changes that reduce their environmental impact.

HOT TIP: This is a great - and doable - project for a kid that is interested in the intersection between science and sustainability. It’s impact on your community and your resume will be dramatically enhanced if coupled with other sustainability or science fair efforts.