Go for Launch!

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Are you keen to learn more about space flight, STEM and STEAM? Check out the Higher Orbits Go for Launch! program. You’ll learn about aspects of space flight and work with former NASA professionals as you and your team build an experiment intended to be performed in space.

Go For Launch! is a multiday program (not overnight) that uses Space Exploration as a platform to launch student involvement in STEM, STEAM, teamwork, communication and leadership. This program is created and presented by Higher Orbits, a non-profit, and is geared mostly toward high school students (although it may also be appropriate for middle school). Broken into teams, students will work together for the entire event in tasks designed to build leadership and teamwork skills, as well as enhance communication skills. The culminating exercise is the design of an experiment intended to be performed in space. The winners of each competition will have their experiment launched to the International Space Station.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If science and space are in your narrative arc think about supplementing this larger project with one of the smaller science (or space)-based opportunities. For example:

HOT TIP: Higher Orbits is a great organization for a kid who’s genuinely interested in the world of space. It’s also a nice chance to get more insights into the world of scientists and engineers who work behind the scenes at organizations like NASA. Don’t waste the opportunity on a one-off. Make sure that you maximize the value of these relationships, and your experiences, by continuing to work on your project or in the field once the competition ends.