Ham Radio Operator


Become an Amateur Ham Radio enthusiast. Start a school club, participate in a Hamfest or build an emergency antenna in any parking lot or on school grounds. You could even become national Youth Ham of the Year!

Amateur Ham Radio is great combination of science and community and people who try it end up loving it. There are even opportunities to speak to astronauts in the International Space Station! You will need equipment and some basic training and then you are off to the races. AARL, a national youth ham radio organization has a ton of resources to help you get started. 

How do I get started?  Become a member of AARL They have numerous projects and community events for you to get involved with.

How much time will this take?  This is a medium time commitment. Getting involved will require regular activity over a few years. But this makes this project even more rewarding and impressive.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If youth radio or performing arts is in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

HOT TIP: The most impressive part of launching a new Amateur Radio club at your school will be your ability to make this happen. So don’t shy away from the need to organize here. For maximum wow effect, complement this project with a local impact project or capstone project in science or robotics.