Hugo Mentors

College love to publish brag sheets touting the accomplishments of their matriculating classes, and lately there’s a new category on the list: RESEARCH. Increasingly, motivated high school students are going above and beyond the classroom to do serious academic research. And some of that research is even getting published in peer-reviewed journals. Impressive!

Hugo Mentors is a research company that connects ambitious high school students with professors who help them conduct sophisticated research. Hugo’s program is highly customized, with a personalized pairing of student to mentor, adaptable dates and flexible meeting times. The price tag is higher than some of the competitors, but we are told that the quality of the mentorships is excellent.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Deep research, especially research that leads to a publication, competition or other project, is the ultimate narrative arc expander. As with anything, the key is making sure that the research links an already well-developed area of interest.

HOT TIP: Colleges can be very impressed when students take the initiative to do deep academic research. That said, they are also deeply wary of certain publications that charge more than nominal submission fees. Hugo is a highly reputable company, but make sure that you approach all publication opportunities with an appropriate level of caution.