Improv Everywhere

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Laughter has huge emotional and physical health benefits on people of all ages. Improv performances can improve confidence, drive personal and intellectual growth and bring people together. Start an improv group in your community. It can be school-focused and center around a theme (for example, improving mental health), or it can be based within the larger community (for example, geared toward performances at a retirement home). There are lots of great models out there. You can hire someone to help you with the set up and teaching, or you can navigate the process on your own using online resources.

How do I get started? Click here for some suggestions as to basic framework for organizing.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Hire a local company to run an improv workshop at your school;

  • Host a comedy-based talent competition at your school;

  • Line up a mental health expert for a talk at your school.

HOT TIP: Perfect grades and board scores are pretty standard. It’s a lot less common for kids to make a real positive impact on their community. A project like Improv Everywhere will really help you stand out from the crowd!