
Do you want to be part of the “Next Generation of Researchers”? Or are you just keen to take your research chops to the next level so that you can demonstrate academic seriousness in the context of college admissions? Lumiere has build a solid platform that connects ambitious, hard-working high school students with top researchers from across the world.

Lumiere offers three types of programs:

  • Individual Research (12 sessions, 9 with an academic mentor, plus research and writing coaching);

  • Premium Research and Publication (16 sessions, 15 with an academic mentor, plus research and writing coaching as well as the development of a publication plan); and

  • Research Fellowship (highly customized 6-12 month program including extensive sessions with research mentor and writing and publication coaches).

Research projects can be customized to the strengths and interests of the student, and Lumiere endeavors to screen mentors for subject-matter and fit. As with any large project, the real value comes from the effort put forth by the student. It’s a terrific way for a motivated student to get high level academic exposure and produce a fantastic final product.

Lumiere ($2,400 or $4,300)

  • Teaching Style: 1-on-1

  • Duration: 12 or 16 sessions

  • Mentor: PhD student mentors (not teaching professors)

  • Pro: Reasonably priced compared to some of the other programs

  • Con: Mentors tend to be PhD students, not professors

How do I expand this narrative arc? Keep going!! Pursue a summer program in the same field. Launch an independent study under the supervision of a high school teacher (or continue with your Lumiere mentor). Get some knowledgeable advice about publication opportunities. Most important: don’t abandon your effort!