Modeling The Future Challenge

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The Modeling the Future Challenge (MTFC) is an academic competition  developed with the Institute of Competition Sciences, a leader in challenge-based learning programs. The premise of the MTFC is simple; junior and senior high school students are challenged to develop and present their own mathematical models of how a new technology or industry might change the future.

Successful submissions to the MTFC will provide findings supported by mathematical computations. By completing the MTFC, students will learn how mathematics applies to cutting-edge industries and technologies. They will also learn more about highly sought-after careers as actuaries and other STEM-related professional opportunities.

How do I get started? Click here to visit the Modeling the Future Challenge website.

How do I expand this Narrrative Arc? If you have an interest in math or mathematical modeling you might want to consider one of the following:

HOT TIP: This is fantastic and prestigious competition for a student with an interest in math, mathematical modeling, statistics or futurism. If you put together a team you could also enter the MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge and kill two birds with one stone!