Stanford Debate Summer


Each summer the Stanford University Debate Society operates a highly rigorous speech and debate program that has become a common destination for America’s top high school debaters. Programs range from parliamentary to Lincoln Douglas, and are offered in one, two and three week increments. Students live on Stanford’s campus and undergo intensive training in the art and strategy of competitive debate.

The Stanford National Forensic Institute is operated by the Stanford Debate Society, Stanford University's competitive intercollegiate debate program, as a service for the speech & debate community.  SNFI has hosted students from around the globe for summer speech & debate training since 1990.

Since 2010 over 5,000 students have attended a SNFI summer speech & debate camp program, and nearly 20% of students have returned again after their first session!  Our alumni have gone on to high-level performances at nearly every high school and collegiate level speech & debate championship tournament, attendance at nearly every top-tier college and university for undergraduate studies, and many of the top professional schools.

SNFI is an "internal" Stanford program, meaning that we are an on-campus Stanford program, as opposed to being an "external" program that merely rents space for their program at Stanford.

Want to learn more? Cick here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you deeply involved in debate and curious about how to expand your narrative arc in a way that helps you stand out from the pack?

  • Start a Speakers Corner at your school, at which student debate timely issues in a respectful, extemporaneous way.

  • Put your thoughts in writing and enter one of the many youth journalism competition like Youth Journalism International, which include categories for opinion pieces.

  • Enter one of the many youth writing competitions sponsored by The New York Times.

HOT TIP: The Stanford NFI is an extremely rigorous and intense summer program that is a mecca for serious high school debaters. If you fall into this category, it could be a great choice for you. Keep in mind, however, that summer is a great time to expand and broaden your interests and narrative arc. This is a “pointy” choice for a serious debater. If you want to be more than just another great debater, think about broadening your school year and summer extracurriculars in directions that go beyond traditional school debate programs.