National Junior Classical League

The Junior Classical League is a national organization that promotes learning and understanding in the teaching and study of classical languages and civilizations. The JCL runs national conventions at which members compete in various areas including:

  • Academic Contests - Academic Heptathlon, Academic Decathlon, Ancient Geography, Classical Art, Grammar, Greek Derivatives, Greek Life and Literature, Hellenic History, Latin Derivatives, Latin Literature, Mottoes, Abbreviations and Quotations, Mythology, Reading Comprehension, Roman History, Roman Life, Vocabulary

  • Certamen - Certamen is a game of fast recall of facts about classical civilizations and its peoples, languages, and cultures. The matches are supposed to be fun, competitive, and informative. There are two types of Certamen contests for NJCL students at Convention, Open Certamen and Competitive Certamen.

  • Creative Arts Contests - Dramatic Interpretation, Latin Oratory, English Oratory, Sight Latin Reading, Costume Contest, Slogan, Modern Myth, Essay.

  • Graphic Arts Contests - Drawing and Painting, Handicrafts, Cartoons, Greeting Cards, Photography, Charts, Maps, Illustrated Quotes, Scrapbooks.

  • Olympika Contests -Track, Basketball, Volleyball, Field, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Swimming and Marathon.

The JCL also runs a variety of non-convention competitions for members. Check out their website for more information.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

HOT TIP: These days it’s pretty unusual for a teen to be a classics scholar. Put all that hard work to good use and show that your interest go far beyond the classroom!