Nostalgia Playlist

Are you musically inclined? Or handy with creating online playlists? Help seniors in a local home create a playlist or playlists containing their favorite tunes from bygone eras. There are lots of online resources to help you if you’re not familiar with how to create a playlist. Reach out to local senior centers or organizations, advertise what you are doing and then figure out the best way to collect requests. You may have to do it in person with the seniors, but thanks to phones and the internet it should be fairly easy to search and locate even very old songs. Then curate the playlist and send it to the center where it can be enjoyed at the leisure of the happy seniors. See our PDF for Executing a Community Impact Project, which has step by step instructions on how to execute a project like this.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Throw a dance party at a local senior center.

HOT TIP: This is a good example of a way to turn run-of-the-mill community service into something much more interesting, creative and enriching. It doesn’t require much time, but the positive community impact could be substantial.