AAP Physics Photo Competition

“The AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest is an international competition for high school students.  For many years this contest has provided teachers and students an opportunity to learn about the physics behind natural and contrived situations by creating visual and written illustrations of various physical concepts.  Students compete in an international arena with more than 1,000 of their peers for recognition and prizes.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Want to show that you’re more than just handy with a camera? Check out one or more of these physics-related opportunities:

  • Looking for a smaller, less time-consuming but interesting extracurricular? Help physicists at CERN answer questions about how and when the universe started when you donate computing time and power in the CERN Particle Search.

  • Check out the Astrophysics Camp at the Boston Leadership Institute

  • Check out practical applications for your physics knowledge at the MIT BeaverWorks Summer Institute, where you’ll learn about engineering and designing autonomous systems in a variety of applications including cybersecurity, hacking, race car design, autonomous air vehicle racing, game design with AI and more!!