Surfing Coach in South Africa

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Are you a serious surfer looking to do some good in the world? Projects Abroad offers an interesting program where you’ll volunteer to teach underprivileged and disabled teens and children how to surf. Here are the highlights of the program:

  • Travel to South Africa and with the help of other teens, teach disadvantaged children and young adults how to surf, while riding the waves yourself!

  • Surfing volunteer work in South Africa for teens is part of our community outreach and development programs. You’ll also be working with disabled children teaching them the occupational therapy techniques we teach you.

  • This surfing coach volunteer as a teen opportunity is based in Cape Town. You’ll be riding the waves at Muizenberg beach, a small suburb along the beach.

How do I get started? Learn more about this surfing program at the Projects Abroad website.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you inspired by the beauty of the ocean and determined to preserve our planet? Check out one of these sustainability initiatives.

  • Link up with the Surfrider organization and use a special Smartfin to monitor various metrics of water quality.

  • For example, check out The Microplastic Survey where you can organize a water sampling survey in your town, looking for microplastics.

  • You could also pivot to a community beach clean and organize a clean up of an area of beach near you.

  • Running a “Ban the Plastic” campaign in your school or town is also a great idea. See this organization for step by step instructions on how to launch such a campaign.

HOT TIP: This program sounds pretty amazing. If you love surfing and want to add it to community service this could be a great choice for you! Keep in mind that this type of foreign travel, unless linked authentically to more ordinary but equally valuable experiences, can sometimes be discounted by college admissions officers as something that is more a signifier of socioeconomic status than genuine interest. Travel to South Africa and do good while having fun. Just make sure there’s a robust connection to something else less glamorous in your narrative arc!