Taco Bell Foundation Ambition Accelerator

Do you have a fantastic social entrepreneurship idea that has the potential to help others’ lives? The Taco Bell Foundation runs a very interesting ambition accelerator where motivated and creative young social entrepreneurs can win up to $25,000 to take their big ideas to the next level.

“If you have a game-changing idea, or already have a venture in the works, check back early next year to apply! This is your chance to grow your changemaking abilities, access funding, receive feedback on your project, discover a community of like-minded young people, and more!

Applicants will get the chance to receive feedback on their ideas, learn new tools for creating social impact, and network with other youth applicants.

The top 25 teams of two will receive additional funding and be invited to participate in the Ambition Accelerator Summit, to be hosted November 1 –  5, 2022 at Taco Bell Headquarters. The top 5 teams will pitch their ideas for the chance to win $25,000 in prize funding.”

How do I get started? Click here.