Tulip Test Gardens


People across the northern hemisphere are invited to plant Red Emperor tulip bulbs in Journey North Test Gardens to monitor seasonal change in a scientific way. Red Emperor tulips are amongst the first spring flowers to bloom and so are a reliable tracker for spring flowering dates. When plants emerge and bloom, these scientific gardeners will report their observations and data. One garden at a time, the relationship between climate, geography, and the arrival of spring is revealed.


How do I get started? Got to the Journey North Website and follow their instructions on when and how to plant a tulip garden. In the spring, return to the website and submit your results to the study.

How much time will this take?  The time commitment depends on whether you are just planting a small garden in your own home (2-3 hours) or a larger one in your community. (15-20 hours)

How to expand this narrative arc? If environmental research and climate change is your narrative arc, consider building on this interest by doing a local impact project to take this beyond your own garden and into your community. Do a fun one day Tulip Test Garden planting event as party of a local community beautification Guerilla Gardening project). And you might even get featured on the Journey North site or in your local newspaper! Use this PDF for a Done In A Day Project worksheet to put this fun and quick impact project together!

Hot Tip: The more of a leadership role you exhibit the better. Getting permission from Town Hall to take over the planting of a small plot in town, and organizing a one day event to get your friends to plant 1000 tulip bulbs is way more impressive than just doing it in your backyard.