Youth Reporter


YR Media, is a national network of young journalists and artists.  They collaborate with each other around the country and top media professionals to create content that matters. Join them and become a youth journalist. Create content and get it published through this incredible organization.

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“For 25 years, our non-profit production company has invested in future generations— championing our voices, and those before us— to build critical skills in journalism, arts and media. If you are a student, a young artist or writer, an activist, a parent, a teacher, or someone who believes in the power of this generation, you are in the right place. Hang out and explore our reporting and creative content on politicsidentity, and rising artists. We sometimes link up with outlets like Teen Vogue, NPR, Pandora, and NYTimes to further amplify our work. Over the years, we have won a lot of awards. More humble bragging here.”

How do I get started? Just go to their website and pitch them an idea.

How much time will this take?  This is a medium time commitment. Getting involved will require writing an article, or recording a show or creating a piece of art.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If journalism and writing is in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

  • Write for your school newspaper and ideally take a leadership role there.

  • Check out our post on this incredible organization promoting written and visual journalism,

  • Do a summer course like this one at the New York TImes.

HOT TIP: Ideally you should complement this project with leadership or transformational roles at your school newspaper and also involvement in other journalistic organizations.