Zero Emissions Design


Project: Z-NEV is a global collaborative learning adventure. Our goal is to design an oceangoing, modular, open-source Zero-Net Energy Vessel (Z-NEV) that generates its own power, produces zero emissions and zero waste. This is an ambitious undertaking to turn a 91-year old wooden yacht, Denali into a Zero-Net Energy vessel of the future capable of producing more energy than it consumes and produces zero waste. Drawing upon a global repository of open-source technology, Z-NEV will integrate the latest advancements in renewable energy and clean technologies into the vessel's design . New dimensions will be added to the classic 1920's architecture to enhance efficiency and capabilities.

”This is a collaborative learning experience and teaching opportunity that aims to contribute to current open-source technology and invites team-based groups from the general public, academia, research and industry around the world to participate in the innovations and development of this project. An immersive virtual reality and mixed reality experience will allow users around the world to be part of the process as we tackle challenges and form ideas and strategies. Our success will be measured by how much is learned from the experience rather than the completion of a zero-net energy vessel. The goal of Project: Z-NEV is to learn.

A project of this scale requires curiosity, ambition and community and we want the entire world to help us build the worlds first open-source zero-net energy vessel. Anyone can participate in this open-source collaboration through our virtual Meetup's and our Basecamp project where teams, projects and discussions are organized.”

How do I get started? Got to the Koka Media website and join their basecamp design platform.

How much time will this take?  This is a high time commitment. Getting involved will require researching a project, persuading a teacher to assist you in applying for the grant, writing the grant proposal and then actually executing the project!

How do I expand this narrative arc? If science and environmental research is your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

HOT TIP: If you materially contribute towards a product that is eventually used on this boat, then that is a GREAT story to tell. If you only slightly contribute then ideally you should complement this project with the biomimicry competition and the Student Drifters.