Amnesty International

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Start a local Amnesty International chapter at your school and get involved in one of the many national and international human rights campaigns.

“In hundreds of communities across the United States, Amnesty International groups come together to protect human rights.

Local Groups, sometimes referred to as chapters, are formed by people in the same geographic area. Student Groups, sometimes called clubs, are on high school and college campuses across the country.

Local Groups and Student Groups meet regularly and take action for specific human rights campaigns. For example, some groups choose a case of one person imprisoned for exercising his or her human rights and campaign to free that person, while other groups work to pass City Council resolutions welcoming refugees.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Get more involved in the national or even international level of this organization.

  • Focus on a particular issue and turn it into an independent study or a research paper.

  • Write an opinion piece about your issue and submit it to one of the many writing competitions sponsored by The New York Times.

HOT TIP: Anyone can start a club, and on its own that’s not very impressive. Show that you really are an engaged community leader by expanding your extracurricular arc into your classroom work and beyond.