Diversity Book Club

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Start a book club at your high school that reads books with central characters who are not traditionally represented in the standard American high school curriculum.

There is increasing awareness today that the History and English curriculums in American high schools are dominated by stories written by and featuring white men of European descent. Although there have been some improvements over the last few decades, many high schools still fall short of showcasing inclusive role models.

Think about the books that you are reading in school and ask around about other grades and courses. Then consider what types of characters are underrepresented - by gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or otherwise. Do some research on great books that are appropriate for reading and discussion at your age level. Find a faculty mentor and gather friends and peers for your group.

How do I get started? Want more tips? Download our PDF - Stand Out From The Pack - Campaign.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Organize a community wide march or fundraiser to raise awareness of an issue.

  • Bring in a speaker to address your school.

  • Write an opinion piece on your issue and submit it to one of the many competitions sponsored by The New York Times.

  • Campaign to change the curriculum at your school. Do your research, plan your strategy, and then make change!

HOT TIP: Lots of teens join clubs, but very few start movements in their communities. You’ll get as much out of it as your put into it. And if you stick with it, you really will Stand Out From The Pack!