Bank of America Student Leader

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Bank of America runs a Student Leaders program in which students are paid to pursue summer internships with local non-profits. Participants also attend a one week leadership summit in Washington, DC. Each year, Bank of America helps connect 225 community-minded high school juniors and seniors to employment, skills development and service. The Student Leaders Summit focuses on skill building and creating a more civically engaged society. This is a great way to give back to your community while connecting with a prestigious, national organization.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Enter the MasterCard Challenge, where you compete to improve access to banking in low income populations.

  • Continue your summer work with your local non-profit into the school year.

  • Bring change to your local community through an impact project.

HOT TIP: It can be tough for teens to find paid summer jobs, especially ones for non-profits. The Bank of America Student Leader program is an amazing opportunity to do both. This takes your community service beyond run-of-the-mill volunteer opportunities and gives you great insight into what it takes to run a non-profit. It’s also a nice way to form a connection with a local charity and to give back to your community. These are all things that look terrific on a college application.