America's Sea Cadets

The motto of America’s Sea Cadets is “Choose Adventures”, but it could also be “Learn Skills”, “Build Leadership” and “Stand Out”. If you are near a Sea Cadets outpost and are interested in maritime service (as a hobby OR a career), this is a great opportunity for you. The Sea Cadets is tiny when compared to larger national service organizations like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. But the smaller footprint likely leads to more consistency of experience, and there’s no question that there’s oversight by the U.S. Navy. Participation in Sea Cadets can also lead to some interesting opportunities in other U.S. Navy affiliated programs, like the highly coveted (and paid) summer internships.

The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (Sea Cadets) is a maritime based youth program sponsored by the U.S. Navy and supported by the U.S. Coast Guard. Cadets train on naval bases and other military installations in a variety of military disciplines, always choosing adventure, seeking challenges, and stepping outside of their comfort zones to prove to the world that Greatness Has No Age.

The Sea Cadets was established by the Navy League of the United States at the request of the Department of the Navy in 1962 to "create a favorable image of the Navy on the part of American youth". 

Today the Sea Cadets continue to further the image of our maritime services by:

​Developing an interest and ability in seamanship and seagoing skills

  • Instilling virtues of good citizenship and strong moral principles in each cadet

  • Demonstrating the value of an alcohol-free, drug-free and gang-free lifestyle

  • Exposing cadets to the prestige of public service and a variety of career paths through hands-on training with our nation's armed services

The mission of the Sea Cadets is to build leaders of character by imbuing in our cadets the highest ideals of honor, respect, commitment, and service.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Consider one of these:

  • If you are interested in STEM, apply for one of the Department of Navy’s eight-week summer internships;

  • apply your leadership and skills in your community through an impact project. Check our listings - there are thousands of ideas;

  • explore opportunities with other branches of the federal government, like the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (U.S. Department of State)

HOT TIP: The armed forces are an amazing training opportunity for many teens. Most teens thrive in the highly structured, skills-based environment. Outstanding performance in Sea Cadets could open up interesting college and professional opportunities. It’s also much more unique and rare than some of the other national service organizations, so it can really help you stand out.