International Brain Bee

The International Brain Bee is a series of competitions in which high school students are challenged to answer questions relating to topics in Neuroscience.

The primary goal of the IBB is to motivate students to learn about the brain and to inspire them to pursue careers in neuroscience so they can help treat and find cures for brain disorders.

The Brain Bee World Championship is designed to be a high-level and friendly academic competition. The material draws from university and medical school course content and requires thoughtful preparation. All participants are expected to support one another throughout the experience, during and between contest sections. 

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are a surprising number of neuroscience-related opportunities for high school students. Consider expanding your narrative arc with one of the following:

HOT TIP: Competitions are a great way to raise your profile. You’ll take your game - and your applications - to the next level if you combine this fun activity with other related, and perhaps more academic, extracurriculars.