E-Girl Essay Contest

EngineerGirl is a project of the National Academy of Engineering that is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women. Each year EngineerGirl sponsors an essay contest on topics relating to women, engineering and the world.

The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women.  Why girls and women?  Because despite an increase in female participation in many traditionally male-dominated professions such as medicine and law, women remain grossly under-represented in engineering.   Engineering and engineers are central to the process of innovation, and innovation drives economic growth.  Diversity of thought is crucial to creativity, and by leaving women out of the process of innovation we lose a key component of diversity and stifle innovation.  We want the creative problem-solvers of tomorrow to fully represent the world's population, because they will be the ones to ensure our health, happiness, and safety in years to come.

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Try the Girls Who Code Summer Internship

  • Join other high school students in an effort to identify software vulnerabilities in the Cyber Defense Competition.

  • Explore the prestigious MIT Women’s Technology program

  • Check out the MIT BeaverWorks Summer Institute, where you’ll learn about engineering and designing autonomous systems in a variety of applications including cybersecurity, hacking, race car design, autonomous air vehicle racing, game design with AI and more!!

HOT TIP: There are tons of opportunities these days for girls who love STEM - in summer programs, college and beyond! Don’t lose sight of what’s really important - whether this is a genuine interest, and something that you want to study in college. You may find that you love it, or you may decide it’s not for you. Better to try one of the intensive STEM summer programs and find that you don’t like it than to commit to a course of study that’s a real drag.