CERN Particle Search

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Looking for a low-pressure, low-time way to advance scientific research? Help physicists at CERN answer questions like “What is the Universe made of?” And: “How did the Universe start?” when you donate idle computer time to help compare theory with experiment.

This is low effort but interesting extra curricular if it aligns with an interest in space and particle physics.

How do I get started? Check out the CERN Particle Search website for more information on this interesting citizen science project.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If science and space are in your narrative arc think about supplementing this less time-intensive project with another more elaborate science (or space)-based opportunity. For example:

HOT TIP: This is an interesting line-item and a unique conversation starter (or supplement), but it’s not going to move the needle either way without more. If you are genuinely interested in physics and astronomy this may be a really interesting diversion for you (that can be supplemented through contacts with some of the scientists leading the project or lead to networking with other citizen scientists involved in the project).