Disaster Plans


Help your friends and neighbors collect information and important items they might need if they have to leave home quickly in the event of an emergency.

Do you live in a place where natural disasters (think: flooding, hurricanes, wildfires or tornados) occur? Or do you know people who have had house fires, gas leaks or other emergencies that have forced them to leave their homes very quickly? Think of the information and items that a person might need, and then create a “How To” guide that walks people through a simple system for accumulating these things. There are lots of useful models online, but many people still don’t have their Disaster Plans in place. Then advertise your system to your friends and neighbors. You can enlist local emergency responders like EMTs or the fire or police departments to speak with your community about emergency preparedness. You never know when you or your community will need your Door to Door Disaster Plans!

This is a project that, if done well, may require some time investment. Plan, enlist help and then distribute your model. It’s a great way to have a positive impact on your community, and it really demonstrates what a positive impact you can make (including to college admissions officers!).

Hot Tip: If you’re interested in expanding this narrative arc, see our post on Host A CPR Program at your school.