Girls Cybersecurity Internship

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Computer Science for Cyber Security (CS4CS) is a free, three-week intensive program for girls that is based at New York University. You don’t need a background in computer science, but it probably helps to be interested in the field since it is quite an intensive summer program. And, if you are interested in CS, this is a nice opportunity to connect with other females who share your interest.

Computer Science for Cyber Security (CS4CS) is a 3-week full-day summer program providing an introduction on the fundamentals of cybersecurity and computer science at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. Through this program, we strive to educate and empower a new generation of engineers in an inclusive environment that breaks down barriers that have historically led to the underrepresentation of women and minorities in STEM.

Cybersecurity is a high-paying field growing at ten times the rate of the overall job market, and one in which women are dramatically underrepresented. The United States and many other countries have a shortage of cybersecurity professionals, a situation that has been recognized as a major threat to national security. Students will tackle a variety of topics including but not limited to digital forensics, steganography, “white-hat” hacking, and cryptography.

No background or experience in cybersecurity or computer programming is needed in order to apply, only your interest and enthusiasm.

How do I expand this narrative arc? There are some really interesting opportunities in CS and CS-adjacent areas:

  • Join other high school students in an effort to identify software vulnerabilities in the Cyber Defense Competition.

  • Spend a summer in the rigorous Wharton Data Science Academy.

  • Get involved with Gamers Gift, a non-profit organization created by high school students that aims to use video games and other electronic media to alleviate some of the psychological stress caused by prolonged hospital stays, loneliness, or poverty.

  • Think about some of the practical elements of data science and then craft solutions at your school. Better yet, organize a hackathon where other teens with coding skills come together to hack solutions to common challenges.

HOT TIP: Paradoxically, intensive and selective programs that are free can sometimes carry more weight in the college admissions world!