EcoCircle International Fellowship

EcoCircle International is a youth-led non-profit bridging the gap between intersectional environmental education and sustainable action, through international fellowships and educational platforms. ECI offers a fellowship that is a completely FREE education and action-based course for youth ages 12-18. Fellows will learn about intersectional environmentalism and leadership, using this education to develop their own independent initiative which they will bring back to their local community.

Months 1-2: Intersectional environmental education. Examples of topics included in these 1.5 hour weekly sessions include environmental racism, water scarcity, and environmental justice. These sessions will be led by the fellowship team, in addition to several guest speakers and panelists from related fields. The ECI fellowship includes many interactive activities, such as debates, discussions, workshops, and more!

Month 3: Leadership development. These 1.5 hour weekly sessions will include personal workshops with world leaders, the basics of initiative planning, entrepreneurial skills, and how to engage others with your passions. This will create a strong foundation for our fellows as they begin to brainstorm and plan their initiative. 

Month 4-5: Initiative execution and mentoring. Using all of the skills they've learned in this fellowship and with the assistance from their own ECI mentor, fellows will generate their own initiative in their local community.

How do I apply? Go to their website and get started!

How do I expand this narrative arc? Apply for one of these other environmental leadership opportunities:

  1. The President’s Environmental Youth Award

  2. The Human Impacts Institute Youth Advisory Board

  3. Youth Advisory Council for UN Ocean Decade

HOT TIP: You’ll never win the AP or SAT arms race, but you might be one of most interesting candidates a college sees if you have a leadership experience in the environmental field like this. In addition, this fellowship culminates in a self-directed project that you will run in your local community. And colleges LOVE students who make a positive impact on their community! Especially ones who do it independently. Chances are good that this will likely help you write some incredible college admissions essays!