UN Ocean Decade Youth Advisory

The US Youth Advisory Council for UN Ocean Decade’s mission is to collaborate as a diverse group of youth of the US, territories, and occupied lands to further the UN Ocean Decade goals in a way that best serves the members in each of their communities with a commitment to inclusion, action including outreach and engagement mobilizing other youth, skill building, becoming more educated on the Decade, ocean, water and climate issues and intersectionality, and raising awareness educating others.

How do you get started? Apply here.

Other leadership opportunities within the same narrative arc?

  1. The Roots & Shoots National Youth Council

  2. The Human Impacts Institute Youth Advisory Board

  3. EarthEcho International Youth Leadership Council

HOT TIP: You’ll never win the AP or SAT arms race, but you might be one of most interesting candidates a college sees if you have a leadership experience in the environmental field like this. Chances are good that you’ll also create lots of memorable and life-changing experiences and relationships (that will likely help you write some incredible college admissions essays).