Extinguish E-cigarettes

Extinguish e-cigarette_sq.jpg

Collect discarded vape pods over a period of time and then create display art that complements an information campaign to educate teens about the harms of e-cigarettes.

If you’re in high school you’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot of vaping going on around you. Vaping seems to have become an epidemic in high schools across the country and we see evidence of it everywhere in the form of discarded Juul (and other) vape pods. Once you start looking you will see e-cigarette litter everywhere.

How do I get started? Start collecting littered pods and accumulate them over a period of time (six months, a year). Then create a public display in your school or community, together with information on the harms and incidence of vaping among teens. Download our PDF for Ongoing Campaigns for step by step instructions on how to execute this project.

How long will this take? Between research, collection and execution (including an information campaign) we estimate that the project will take between 15-20 hours.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

  • Become a peer-to-peer Health Literacy Advocate by learning more about the most effective way to communicate important health information to other teens and then launching a program at your school.

  • Start a sponsored video competition in which students compete to create the best three minute anti-vaping video

  • Create a piece of art using discarded vaping paraphernalia.

HOT TIP: Vaping is an issue that’s top of mind for a lot of teens, educators and parents. There are many different creative and public health advocacy options to raising awareness about this pervasive problem.