Girls Who Code Summer Immersion

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There’s never been a better time for girls to enter the world of computer science! This FREE, selective seven-week summer program provides deep immersion and major bonding to girls who excel with computers. It’s an amazing way to elevate your CS (and college admissions) game.

“The Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is a free 7-week introductory computer science program for 10th-11th grade girls going into their junior or senior years of high school. During the 7-week program, participants learn about computer science, gain exposure to tech jobs, and join a sisterhood of girls who are using computer science to become change-makers. Participants also learn about tech careers by connecting with female engineers and entrepreneurs, participating in workshops, meeting inspiring guest speakers, and going on field trips.”

How do I get started? See the Girls Who Code website for more information.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Are you interested in some of the practical applications of computer science?

  • Spend your next summer at the Girls Cybersecurity Internship.

  • Join other high school students in an effort to identify software vulnerabilities in the Cyber Defense Competition.

  • Check out the MIT BeaverWorks Summer Institute, where you’ll learn about engineering and designing autonomous systems in a variety of applications including cybersecurity, hacking, race car design, autonomous air vehicle racing, game design with AI and more!!

  • Spend a summer in the rigorous Wharton Data Science Academy.

  • Get involved with Gamers Gift, a non-profit organization created by high school students that aims to use video games and other electronic media to alleviate some of the psychological stress caused by prolonged hospital stays, loneliness, or poverty.

  • Think about some of the practical elements of data science and then craft solutions at your school. Better yet, organize a hackathon where other teens with coding skills come together to hack solutions to common challenges.

HOT TIP: Girls who really love STEM (especially computers) are a rarity, and in high demand at many colleges and companies. If you genuinely love CS, a program like this offers a fabulous combination of skills training, bonding and networking that can cement your position as a real computer whiz.