Biophilic Meditation


Create a quiet zone in your school that is filled with green plants and other soothing items so that stressed peers have a space to get away from the stresses of daily teenage life.

There's mounting evidence that today's teens face record levels of stress and anxiety. Schools play a big part in that. There's also evidence that being in nature, or even just being around plants (even fake plants), is healthy for the mind and body. Even just a few minutes of quiet, breathing and peace in a space filled with green can have a huge impact on a teen’s mental state.

How do I get started?

  • Do some research on the effects of plants on stress and anxiety. For example, here’s a good resource.

  • Convene a committee of motivated peers and talk to school administrators about whether there's an open space that can be converted to a lounge zone

  • Check out the space, and create a design plan

  • Solicit donations from school families and the community of hearty indoor plants (and fake plants), bean bags/couches and other items that you can use to create a serene and green zone. You can even get the group to build shelving to maximize the amount of plants that fit in the room. Use your imagination to create a place where your peers can take a break and have a breathe in the middle of an otherwise stressful day.

  • Download our PDF for more tips

How long will this take? Done properly this project can be executed in 10-15 hours

How do I expand this narrative arc? This project links in well with ones that identify and address some of the stresses of teenage life. Think Courageous Conversations or Investigative Journalist, for example. You could also pair this project with an initiative that teaches students at your school mindfulness and other stress reduction techniques.

HOT TIP: The Green Zone project will have maximum impact if paired with other initiatives. It’s a great way to raise your profile, and your impact, at the school.