Yale Theatre History


Help Yale University preserve hundreds of years of incredible theatre by helping transcribe their well preserved programs. Ensemble@Yale is a fun project you can do on your own time. Steep yourself in historical theatre!

How do I get started? Just go to the Ensemble@Yale website and start transcribing right now.  

How much time will this take? This is a low time commitment. Spend as much time as you want, one hour or many. You will be helping these national treasures to be searchable and discoverable by all!

How do I expand this narrative arc? If acting or playwriting are in your narrative arc, consider building on this interest with one of the following:

  • Help the Penn Playbills Project capture their historical playbills too.

  • Attend a performance arts summer camp to explore and learn about the world of theatre and acting or enroll in a local playwriting workshop for teens like this Writopia Playwriting Workshop

  • Become involved in school and community theatre, either as an actor, director or backstage.

  • Organize a local Theatre Group for unserved youth or seniors which meets regularly to attend a play (or movie of a play.)

HOT TIP: Completing a playbills project or attending a summer program is a great start, but the real impact will be greater if you lead your own impact project such as the Theatre Group Organizer.