Halt Fast Fashion


Start a movement that educates your peers and community about the environmental consequences of fast fashion.

Did you know that the fashion industry is one of the world's largest sources of pollution? Or that the global fashion industry employs a significant amount of child labor? Our culture's obsession with being on trend (and not wanting to pay for it) is creating a major environmental catastrophe. Start a campaign in your community to educate people on the downside of fast fashion, and what they can do to change their behaviors. You could also start a clothing swap to encourage teens to acquire gently used, rather than brand new, fashion items. You could also teach a seminar (or webinar) on how to repair and or modify clothes so that they can be re-used and recycled.

How do I get started? Do some research on the topic. For example, check out the following links (and more):

Don’t stop there, and be sure to know all the facts before you launch into your campaign. Next, download our Campaign PDF, supplementing with your own touch to make this a movement that really reaches and impacts your peers.

How much time will this take? Done properly, this campaign should take you between 20-25 hours. You can organize events, launch a social media feed and even get your peers to sign a pledge to reduce their purchases of fast fashion.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Check out one of our clothes recycling and swap campaigns like Operation Prom Dress.

HOT TIP: This is a nice link between an interest in science and sustainability and a connection to the arts and fashion. There are lots of fun angles to play with in this type of activism, while still making a positive impact on your community and the world.