Hybrid Urban Bioscapes


Do you live in a place that could use a little more greenery? Or in or near a place where it’s hard to have access to healthy, fresh vegetables? You don’t need a huge amount of space to start an urban vegetable garden. Certain types of plants can be grown in small enclosures or even pots or planters. Urban gardens are popping up everywhere - in vacant lots, at bus stops and even on school roofs. You don’t need a ton of money to get started, you just need the right permissions and maybe a few timely donations. Think about what you can do at your school or in your community to grow food locally. There are lots of great examples out there for you!

How do I get started? Download our Stand Out from the Pack - Event-Based Ongoing PDF.

How do I expand this narrative arc? If environment and community activism are in your narrative arc, think about one of these other interesting projects:

HOT TIP: This is a great project for a “sciency” teen looking to make a community impact. It’s also a lot of responsibility - you won’t get much mileage out of your urban bioscape unless it is executed properly and diligently maintained (either by you, or by other volunteers that you enlist in your project).